In Memoriam: Pam Hunt

It is with great sadness that we share the news that Pam Hunt passed away on Oct. 9. Hunt was a cherished faculty member in the Graduate College of Education who dedicated her life’s work to the students and faculty in the Department of Special Education.
Hunt started at SF State in 1986 and devoted her career to preparing educators for students with extensive support needs. The Moderate to Severe Disabilities program she led consistently prepares high-quality special education teachers who have become leaders in the field; her research has led to systems change toward more inclusive practices and evidence-based instruction for students with disabilities.
Hunt was a highly respected and prolific researcher, with a remarkable record of scholarly activity. She published 38 articles in leading journals and key chapters in special education handbooks. She presented 79 times at local, state and national conferences. Aside from her academic contributions to the field, Hunt has an astounding record of securing 12 federal grants totaling $15 million — the bulk of which helped to support students’ tuition costs.
In 2016, Hunt rightfully received SF State’s Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Professional Achievement. She retired in May 2019, and her legacy in the college and in the field is steady and enduring. Hunt will be remembered for her humility, passion and commitment towards a more inclusive and equitable education for students with extensive support needs.