Early Childhood Special Education, School of Social Work receive federal grant for Project ARISE proposal

Author: smacaris@sfsu.edu
February 3, 2023

We are now recruiting for a fall 2023 cohort for Project ARISE! Project ARSIE (Adversity and Resiliency Interventions for Social Emotional Development in Early Childhood) is focused on the interdisciplinary preparation of Early Childhood Special Educators (ECSE) and Social Workers (SW) to support the learning and development of young children with high-intensity social emotional (HI-SE) needs who require infant-family and early childhood mental health (ECMH) supports within inclusive settings.

Students in ECSE will meet the requirements for a Master of Arts degree in Special Education, the California Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and complete the requirements for the anticipated Trauma Informed Social Work Graduate Certificate. Students will take shared courses in ECSE and SW, participate in additional supplemental learning opportunities, and engage in coordinated field experiences. Individuals can reach out to Maryssa Mitsch or Amber Friesen (ECSE), or Jocelyn Hermoso or Sandy Vaughn (SW).