SPED Faculty Kathleen Mortier and Mayumi Hagiwara Launch SF Sate Inclusion Project

Author: admin
April 28, 2021

The Inclusion Pilot Project is for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are interested in being included in the academic and social components of campus life. A person-centered planning process supports students to create an individualized plan of study aligned with their personal, academic and career goals. An individualized plan typically consists of courses, social activities, intern/job activities, housing support, and a career path. Students in the pilot project are not on a degree track but receive a certificate of completion detailing their satisfaction of their academic, social and vocational goals as laid out in their individualized person-centered plan. The SF State Inclusion Pilot Project works to meet students where they are regardless of ability and aspires to make college accessible to everyone.

Visit the SF State Inclusion Pilot Project website to learn more.