Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in Visual Impairment

The Education Specialist Credential in Visual Impairment (VI) prepares highly qualified teachers using research-based curricula and pedagogy to provide quality educational services to students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Students with visual impairments are a heterogeneous population, requiring the availability of a wide range of curricular and placement options in order to foster participation in the home, school, and community in ways that meet the particular needs of individual learners. The program stresses the development of instructional programs utilizing a variety of approaches to meet the range of potential placement options and curricular needs of learners with visual impairments.

Candidates are expected to demonstrate skills in working with an array of professionals as well as families in order to facilitate learner participation and growth within the context of their educational experience. Learners with visual impairments benefit from educational experiences that take into account their unique learning needs requiring the acquisition of knowledge and skills in alternative ways including tactile, visual, and auditoryCandidates are expected to demonstrate competence in assessment and instruction to promote functional literacy in Braille, print, and auditory methodologies and to design educational environments utilizing the most appropriate media to promote learning.

Visual Impairments Credential Coursework

Core Courses (18 units)

Course #

Course Title 


E ED 784

Curriculum and Instruction in Mathematics (CLAD Emphasis)


SPED 775 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary Special Education 3

SPED 763

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities


SPED 788

Law, Ethics, and Instructional Planning


SPED 801

Development, Diversity, and English Language Learners: Special Education 


Health Education

Health Education course from approved list


Method Courses (31 units)

Course #

Course Name


SPED 655

Basic Orientation and Mobility for Learners with Visual Impairments


SPED 735

Technology for Blind and Low Vision Students


SPED 749

Medical, Educational, & Rehabilitative Implications of Visual Impairments


SPED 750

Assessment for Learners of Visual Impairments


SPED 751

Instruction for Learners with Visual Impairments


SPED 752

Issues in Visual Impairment


SPED 753

Living Skills Assessment & Instruction for Learners with Visual Impairments


SPED 754

Basic Communication Skills for Learners with Visual Impairments  


SPED 757 Visual Impairment: Special Populations 3

SPED 758

Advanced Communication Skills for Learners with Visual Impairments


Clinical Fieldwork & Student Teaching (12-15 units)

Course #

Course Name


SPED 701 Education Specialist Intern Teacher Support Seminar (required only for intern teachers)  3

SPED 723

Seminar: Student Teaching: Visual Impairments


SPED 730

Student Teaching In Special Education



                                                                   Total: (61-64 units)  

Additional CTC requirements for Preliminary Education Specialist Credential

  • CPR (online course not acceptable) - must cover infant, child and adult CPR
  • U.S. Constitution Requirement